Plagued series now narrated with your favorite VO actor, Radioface.
When disease strikes, corruption is on the rise, or darkness descends, how can we find the light? Each time a plague hit humanity, the state of the people seemed to determine their fate. What if this were a pattern nobody has ever looked at before? Are people’s illnesses tied to their spirits? Does chaos in society reflect chaos in the cosmos? This goes deeper than any history book’s look at plagues has ever gone before.
Plagued [Part 2]: Divine Retribution
Plagued series now narrated with your favorite VO actor, Radioface.
When disease strikes, corruption is on the rise, or darkness descends, how can we find the light? Each time a plague hit humanity, the state of the people seemed to determine their fate. What if this were a pattern nobody has ever looked at before? Are people’s illnesses tied to their spirits? Does chaos in society reflect chaos in the cosmos? This goes deeper than any history book’s look at plagues has ever gone before.
More Episodes
Plagued [Part 2]: Divine Retribution
March 02, 2021
Plagued [Part 1]: When Society Falls
February 23, 2021
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