Organ Harvesting: China’s Hospitals from Hell [Part 2]
He was already making millions being in charge of the greatest country on Earth! But this deal would turn the millions into billions. And it was too tempting to pass up. Thus, Clinton invited China to become part of the World Trade Organization for the first time. On the surface, it seemed like it was […]

Organ Harvesting: Darkest Era of China’s Communist Cult [Part 1]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like living in George Orwell’s novel, 1984? Welcome to China today. Most people in China do not know the real story behind the Tiananmen Square Massacre and what happened to the “Tank Man” from one of the most iconic photos in history. This is also the story […]

Chinese Communism: Evil Incarnate [Ep. 5]
As bad as Lenin and Stalin were with their Soviet revolutions, this was only setting the stage for the horror that was brought to China through Mao and his Cultural Revolution. Never in history has a regime killed more of its own people or had such a thirst for blood. On this fifth episode of […]

Russian Revolutions: Communism’s Hidden Origins [Ep. 4]
In 1917, Lenin led his Russian Revolution to take over Russia and form the Soviet Union under the banner of Communism. Soon, Stalin came into power and started his red revolution over the people, and through famines, killings, and setting up the gulags, he became known in history as one of the most ruthless regimes […]

Socialism: An Inconvenient Truth [Ep. 3]
Many people are throwing around the term “socialism,” but do they really understand its true meaning and where it came from? The puppet masters built their thrones on lies and deceit and wanted to hide from the communism agenda. How did one man, Saul Alinsky, go from being a nobody to being the godfather of […]

The Secret Societies Behind Communism [Ep. 2]
Have you ever wondered how communism and secret societies relate to each other? In this episode, we will expose how the official Bavarian Illuminati was secretly behind the French Revolution and how one man, Adam Weishaupt, infiltrated and influenced two different societies and combined them into one. A dark plot was thus born as this […]

Why Communism is a Mind Control Cult [Ep. 1]
We have all heard of communism, but not many of us really know the true history of WHY and HOW Karl Marx wrote his manifesto. Was he acting alone, or was a shadow group involved in its origin? Many people have been led to believe that communism could work and are pushing for a change […]

Presentation: Communism’s Ultimate Mind Control Cult
In this episode, we lift the veil on the world’s ultimate cult—communism. With the goal in mind of eliminating both physical bodies and spiritual souls, dark entities created, funded, and spread Communism, paving the way for global rule through killing, mind control, and chaos. In this presentation, we dig deep into the satanic roots of […]