Did you know that the “new year” wasn’t always celebrated on January 1? Why did that change? Every culture around the world celebrates a different day for the New Year, but when was this changed in modern history? More importantly, why did Pope Gregory XIII make the change to switch to the Gregorian calendar? The secret reason why will not only shock you, but also make you wonder why we don’t go back to the original way. Did our year once upon a time actually have 13 months? Astrological calendars still seem to follow the original calendar, with the year ending in March under Pisces and the year beginning in April with Aries. Speaking of April, that brings up April Fools Day, April 1. Since some people still celebrated April 1 as the new year, they were considered “fools.”
Join Ben and Rob on this Friday Night Live as they reveal the secrets of the new year calendar, plus more. Have you heard the deathbed confession of a witness of the Shag Harbor UFO incident? The famous 1967 encounter in Canada had even the navy looking for a downed UFO craft. Then there’s the security camera that captured a real goblin or alien in Argentina; a cursed painting of a child strikes again; and a lost, ancient realm found that had been home to nearly 500,000 people. In this FNL, don’t miss the Top 10 Weirder News of the Week, where Mickey Mouse is now a serial killer, a mysterious cemetery is unearthed in Wales, and a 13 year old boy is the first person to ever beat Tetris. Don’t miss the “Dig Deep” live Q&A where Ben and Rob answer questions from the Rise.TV live chat.
“Dig Deep” Live Q&A:
“At this point, do you think people will fully accept a calendar change?” “Were the calendar and star changes made to confound astrological and cyclical predictions?” “Have you heard about an ancient culture that talked about a time before the moon was placed in the sky? If that’s true, why do the Chinese and other cultures celebrate a lunar new year?” “Why are all Chinese astrological animals based on real, known animals except the dragon? Is it because the dragon actually existed?” “Which calendar is best for avoiding April 15 taxes?” “What do you think about all of this exposure of evil beginning to come out?” “What was the very first show you guys aired on YouTube and when?” “Why does every painting of Adam and Eve have them with their belly buttons?” “Were you guys immediate friends when you worked together? How did you find out you had so much in common with these types of topics?”
Top 10 Weirder News of the Week:
10. When an iconic animated character entered the public domain, some creators had scary plans for this childhood favorite.
9. A medieval cemetery is unearthed, and its contents leave archaeologists puzzled.
8. One woman sparked a debate with her lawsuit: Should she “just get over it” or was she right to try to punish one popular company?
7. Workers remodeling a movie theater find this lost object behind a wall.
6. A Florida woman is left baffled after thieves take this necessary part of her home.
5. A new cosmetic procedure is sweeping China—but it’s not for people.
4. Is history repeating itself? These nostalgic items from 1996 aligns perfectly with today.
3. Paleontologists argue over a discovery.
2. A high-scoring teen beats a world record in Tetris, and the reason is more complicated than you would think.
1. A woman dies for an impossible amount of time before coming back to life and describes the amazing feelings she experienced.
Why Did the New Year’s Date Change? The Secret Reason
Did you know that the “new year” wasn’t always celebrated on January 1? Why did that change? Every culture around the world celebrates a different day for the New Year, but when was this changed in modern history? More importantly, why did Pope Gregory XIII make the change to switch to the Gregorian calendar? The secret reason why will not only shock you, but also make you wonder why we don’t go back to the original way. Did our year once upon a time actually have 13 months? Astrological calendars still seem to follow the original calendar, with the year ending in March under Pisces and the year beginning in April with Aries. Speaking of April, that brings up April Fools Day, April 1. Since some people still celebrated April 1 as the new year, they were considered “fools.”
Join Ben and Rob on this Friday Night Live as they reveal the secrets of the new year calendar, plus more. Have you heard the deathbed confession of a witness of the Shag Harbor UFO incident? The famous 1967 encounter in Canada had even the navy looking for a downed UFO craft. Then there’s the security camera that captured a real goblin or alien in Argentina; a cursed painting of a child strikes again; and a lost, ancient realm found that had been home to nearly 500,000 people. In this FNL, don’t miss the Top 10 Weirder News of the Week, where Mickey Mouse is now a serial killer, a mysterious cemetery is unearthed in Wales, and a 13 year old boy is the first person to ever beat Tetris. Don’t miss the “Dig Deep” live Q&A where Ben and Rob answer questions from the Rise.TV live chat.
“Dig Deep” Live Q&A:
“At this point, do you think people will fully accept a calendar change?” “Were the calendar and star changes made to confound astrological and cyclical predictions?” “Have you heard about an ancient culture that talked about a time before the moon was placed in the sky? If that’s true, why do the Chinese and other cultures celebrate a lunar new year?” “Why are all Chinese astrological animals based on real, known animals except the dragon? Is it because the dragon actually existed?” “Which calendar is best for avoiding April 15 taxes?” “What do you think about all of this exposure of evil beginning to come out?” “What was the very first show you guys aired on YouTube and when?” “Why does every painting of Adam and Eve have them with their belly buttons?” “Were you guys immediate friends when you worked together? How did you find out you had so much in common with these types of topics?”
Top 10 Weirder News of the Week:
10. When an iconic animated character entered the public domain, some creators had scary plans for this childhood favorite.
9. A medieval cemetery is unearthed, and its contents leave archaeologists puzzled.
8. One woman sparked a debate with her lawsuit: Should she “just get over it” or was she right to try to punish one popular company?
7. Workers remodeling a movie theater find this lost object behind a wall.
6. A Florida woman is left baffled after thieves take this necessary part of her home.
5. A new cosmetic procedure is sweeping China—but it’s not for people.
4. Is history repeating itself? These nostalgic items from 1996 aligns perfectly with today.
3. Paleontologists argue over a discovery.
2. A high-scoring teen beats a world record in Tetris, and the reason is more complicated than you would think.
1. A woman dies for an impossible amount of time before coming back to life and describes the amazing feelings she experienced.
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