[Part 1] Would you be shocked to hear that Sloth from The Goonies; orphaned, feral children; melon heads; and an abusive mad scientist are all part of a story that ties together the states of Connecticut, Michigan, and Ohio?
When you hear Rob Counts’ investigative research, you’ll wonder why you’ve never heard of this before. Then, your mind is going to be BLOWN when you hear the remote viewing data John Vivanco’s collected. After you discover what kinds of experiments Dr. Crow was doing in Ohio, you’ll see how Dr. Frankenstein wasn’t actually fiction. John held back before recording to wait to get Rob’s live reaction on the show. Join John and Rob for a special Halloween Metaphysical episode that’s out of this world.
Dr. Frankenstein Lived in Ohio? Mystery of the Melon Heads & Mad Scientist Experimentation [Part 1]
[Part 1] Would you be shocked to hear that Sloth from The Goonies; orphaned, feral children; melon heads; and an abusive mad scientist are all part of a story that ties together the states of Connecticut, Michigan, and Ohio?
When you hear Rob Counts’ investigative research, you’ll wonder why you’ve never heard of this before. Then, your mind is going to be BLOWN when you hear the remote viewing data John Vivanco’s collected. After you discover what kinds of experiments Dr. Crow was doing in Ohio, you’ll see how Dr. Frankenstein wasn’t actually fiction. John held back before recording to wait to get Rob’s live reaction on the show. Join John and Rob for a special Halloween Metaphysical episode that’s out of this world.
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