Part 9: The Metaphysical Podcast left off last time on a cliffhanger: John and Rob started talking about sightings of strange beings on Mt. Shasta and the accounts from occult writers like H.P. Lovecraft who told of reptilian entities living beneath the earth. But if you thought that Lovecraft was just having nightmares, they found yet another 1930s article from the LA Times all about the history of these beings.
Were Lovecraft’s monsters real? Does Lemuria have a traceable esoteric history? Yes, the occultists worshiping this stuff were out of their minds, but were they mixing fact in with their fiction? The odd circumstances may shock you. There’s also evidence of secret tunnels even in our modern day, like hidden tunnels under the Playboy Mansion connected to celebrities’ homes—evidenced in pictures from their own website. Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a show that’s out of this world.
HP Lovecraft’s Monsters Were Real? Lizard People’s Catacomb City & Occult Lemurian History [Part 9]
Part 9: The Metaphysical Podcast left off last time on a cliffhanger: John and Rob started talking about sightings of strange beings on Mt. Shasta and the accounts from occult writers like H.P. Lovecraft who told of reptilian entities living beneath the earth. But if you thought that Lovecraft was just having nightmares, they found yet another 1930s article from the LA Times all about the history of these beings.
Were Lovecraft’s monsters real? Does Lemuria have a traceable esoteric history? Yes, the occultists worshiping this stuff were out of their minds, but were they mixing fact in with their fiction? The odd circumstances may shock you. There’s also evidence of secret tunnels even in our modern day, like hidden tunnels under the Playboy Mansion connected to celebrities’ homes—evidenced in pictures from their own website. Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a show that’s out of this world.
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