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Prophecies and the End Times

Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 – Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga


Is Venus going to bring us a new form of energy? Will communism fall in China and bring about a new spiritual awareness to its people? Will Trump bring back the gold standard to our dollar? Will the mainstream media all go bankrupt?

On this episode we’ll talk about some predictions by names such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, Ingersoll Lockwood, Edgar Cayce, and Mark Taylor who have all gotten things right so far and predictions that may happen in the near future.

Prophecies and the End Times

Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 – Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga

Is Venus going to bring us a new form of energy? Will communism fall in China and bring about a new spiritual awareness to its people? Will Trump bring back the gold standard to our dollar? Will the mainstream media all go bankrupt?

On this episode we’ll talk about some predictions by names such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, Ingersoll Lockwood, Edgar Cayce, and Mark Taylor who have all gotten things right so far and predictions that may happen in the near future.


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