Divine Inspiration, Winter Miracles & Near-Death Experiences
Miracles, divine inspiration, and near-death experiences: Naysayers claim there’s no proof of something more than what we see. What if they were wrong? Between signs from above, angel sightings, historical meetings, and undeniable messages, perhaps the “great beyond” is a lot closer than you think. Join Edge of Wonder for inspiring accounts of Divine Inspiration, […]

Real-Life Santa Stories, Good Deeds & Christmas Spirit [Part 2]
[Part 2] An impossible double case of heroism saves multiple lives. Mrs. Claus takes a different route home and is faced with a suspicious figure on a bridge. The kindness of strangers changes a little girl’s recovery. The power of righteous thoughts, the selflessness of a child, escapes from mortal peril, and a real-life Santa […]

True Crime Christmas: Dumb Criminals & Sinister Santas
Real-life Grinches had THIS strange interest long before Seuss’ Christmas story. A Santa Claus bank robbery is labeled the most spectacular crime in southwest history—except for several key mistakes. Santa gets stuck in a compromising position, in an unusual place, wearing less than he should’ve been for February. A thief is caught red-handed, and a […]

Real-Life Santa Claus Stories, Good Deeds & Christmas Spirit [Part 1]
[Part 1] Scrooge has nothing on one Santa, who uses his final act to help his Tiny Tim. A man catches a glimpse of something greater than himself when he stares in the eyes of a stranger in Grand Central Station. A balloon letter to Santa returns with a miracle attached. An historical truce, the […]

Unexplained Events & A Supernatural Christmas
A celestial object threatens captured soldiers, but their faith changes everything. Three cosmic events converge on the same day, and nobody knows why. A mysterious sound targets people when they least suspect it, setting off a UFO hunt for years to come. What was the Warminster “Thing”? Do unexplained events and supernatural occurrences expose […]

Christmas Miracles & Near-Death Experiences
An unseen helping hand alerts a woman right before a dangerous near-death experience. A heart patient, another dimension, and rap sensation Kid Cudi combine in a miraculous story. Unexplainable winter survival stories see more than one woman frozen solid and then return from the edge of the grave. An eating disorder recovery, a near-death experience, […]