Prophecies and the End Times [Part 3:] Ancient Revelations
Ragnarok. The Mayan calendar. Hopi prophecies. Indigenous cultures have foretold the End of Days since ancient times. Are their predictions being fulfilled today? How right did they get it? From the dawn of humanity, nearly every civilization has told a story of the End Times: Revelation, Ragnarok, Geng Zi…. Could these have merely been metaphorical […]

Prophecies and the End Times [Part 2:] The End or the Beginning?
Book of Revelation. Chinese Prophets. Nostradamus. What were they actually trying to tell us? Is Armageddon really the end? Or is it just the beginning? From the dawn of humanity, nearly every civilization has told a story of the End Times: Revelation, Ragnarok, Geng Zi…. Could these have merely been metaphorical stories to explain the […]

Prophecies and the End Times [Part 1:] Signs of the Times
Rivers turning red. Swarms of locusts. Wait … water turning into wine? And isn’t “pandemic” synonymous with “plague”? Could these really be the Signs of the Times? From the dawn of humanity, nearly every civilization has told a story of the End Times: Revelation, Ragnarok, Geng Zi…. Could these have merely been metaphorical stories to […]

Prophecy & Predictions – End of World, Messiah & Future After 2019
Most of us have heard about prophecies and predictions about the Apocalypse and the coming Messiah from the book of revelations in the Bible, the quatrains of Nostradamus, the poetic 4-line forecasts of the Chinese Tui Bei Tu, the Mayans, the Aztecs and the Hopi Indians, Hindi, just to name a few…So, did these seers, […]

Prophecies & Predictions for 2019 – Nostradamus, Mark Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Baba Vanga
Is Venus going to bring us a new form of energy? Will communism fall in China and bring about a new spiritual awareness to its people? Will Trump bring back the gold standard to our dollar? Will the mainstream media all go bankrupt? On this episode we’ll talk about some predictions by names such as […]