World’s Most Haunted Village, Phantom “Hat Man” & Addams Family “Thing” Real? Best Ghost Stories
Britain’s tiny village of Dunster has a castle, pubs—and ghosts! Is it the most haunted village in the world? The phantom “Hat Man” is being spotted around the world more often lately, but is he a traveler across realms, or a malicious specter? Ben and Rob found opposing information and will debate tonight. Tune in […]

Vanishing Vessels Around the World: Ghost Ships That Still Haunt the Seas [Part 2]
Do you quake at the thought of being perched above the vast depths of the ocean? Does it spark fear to picture being in a small, lone ship in the middle of the open sea at night? Well, some brave souls DO go out on the ocean, and when they do, sailors consistently report weird […]

The Bermuda Triangle & Ghost Ships That Still Haunt the Seas [Part 1]
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious and paranormal places in the world. Ships, planes, and people disappear there, never to be seen again. What really causes ships to sink when they cross that area of the world? Join Edge of Wonder for tales of strange, vanishing ships whose stories turned up odd […]

Creatures of the Night, World’s Oldest Ghost, Time Travel Mysteries & Top Halloween World Records
A time traveler from 1960 appeared in 2006, transported to the future. But even he seemed confused about how he got there. Did Sergei Ponomarenko really enter a time slip? In other spooky events, the world’s oldest ghost has been confirmed. A snake-demon, cursed land, evil spirits, and old bones are just the beginning of […]

Scary Hauntings, Vanishings & a Message in a Tombstone
These stories about a possessed doll, a vanishing college student, a message in a tombstone, and a haunted hotel will leave you “Frozen” in fear. Ever hear the mystery of the haunted Elsa doll that just wouldn’t go away? Did you know that the Stanley Hotel where The Shining was filmed has frequent ghost sightings? […]

Interdimensional Portals, Mining Superstitions & Tommyknocker Sightings: Cave Creatures [Part 1]
[Part 1] Cave creatures and “inner Earth beings” are said to inhabit the mines, tunnels, and crevices that lie beneath the earth. Ever heard of the tommyknocker, the trickster who warns of impending cave-ins? How about the “bluecap,” a spirit in the form of a blue flame known for assisting miners via miraculous powers? What’s […]

Abandoned Dudleytown in the Dark Entry Forest & a Generational Curse: Remote Viewing Data [Part 2]
[Part 2] Have you ever heard of the abandoned land of Dudleytown in the Dark Entry Forest of Connecticut that’s supposedly home to evil spirits, a murderous curse, and protected wetlands? Well, we decided to get to the heart of the forest by digging through the tabloids and local folktales to old accounts in newspapers […]

Dr. Frankenstein Lived in Ohio? Mystery of the Melon Heads & Mad Scientist Experimentation [Part 1]
[Part 1] Would you be shocked to hear that Sloth from The Goonies; orphaned, feral children; melon heads; and an abusive mad scientist are all part of a story that ties together the states of Connecticut, Michigan, and Ohio? When you hear Rob Counts’ investigative research, you’ll wonder why you’ve never heard of this […]

The Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run: Cleveland Torso Murders
The Cleveland Torso murders were some of the most gruesome killings that have ever taken place in America. There were extremely suspicious circumstances revolving around the suspects, which adds even more mystery to the horrible crimes. Little did the police department know that—with the body count climbing, the circumstances of the murders becoming stranger and […]

Mystery Spots in America: Curses, Hauntings, Gravity Anomalies & Vortexes [Part 2]
If you listened to Part 1 of this investigation into mystery spot phenomena, you started to hear about the East Bay mystery walls. You’ll learn the fascinating information Metaphysical has about that, but there’s also so much more on the paranormal side of mystery spots. Want to hear about Pele’s curse and the black sand […]

Mystery Spots in America: Unexplained Phenomena & Gravity Anomalies [Part 1]
Welcome to the Metaphysical Podcast where remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts look into the paranormal, the anomalous, and the strange phenomena of our world. This episode, they dive into mystery spots. Ever heard of strange Marfa lights nobody can pinpoint? How about crumbling mystery walls whose builders and purpose are both […]

The Bridgewater Triangle’s Curious Creatures: Bigfoot, Dogman & Talking Mystery Beast? [Part 4]
Everyone loves a good story about Bigfoot. But did you know that there’s basically a triangular, paranormal zoo in southeastern Massachusetts that’s home to not only Bigfoot, but also thunderbirds, enormous snakes and cats, hellhounds, monsters, and so much more? The encounters with these Bridgewater Triangle cryptids are strange, so the Metaphysical Podcast will be […]

The Bridgewater Triangle’s Paranormal Sightings: UFOs, Phantom Orb Lights & Ghosts [Part 3]
What is the significance of the phantom orb lights, spooky phenomena and paranormal sightings at the Bridgewater Triangle? Could there be a deeper truth concealed within these phenomena? And what about the chilling tales of ghost trucks and urban legends—do they hold slivers of reality or are they simply myths? Let’s not forget the baffling […]

The Bridgewater Triangle: Terrifying Cults, Serial Murders & Things That Don’t Add Up [Part 2]
In this 4-part series, the Metaphysical Podcast dives into the paranormal, strange, satanic, and out of this world phenomena that are all part of the mysterious Bridgewater Triangle in southeastern Massachusetts. In Part 2, remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts talk about the satanic cults, strange murders, and things that just don’t […]

The Bridgewater Triangle’s True Nature Revealed: Paranormal Swamp Energy Phenomena & More [Part 1]
Have you heard of the Bridgewater Triangle? If the Bermuda Triangle is the mother of all triangles, the Bridgewater Triangle is its ugly stepsister from Southie. This area of southeastern Massachusetts is home to literally every type of paranormal and esoteric activity you could think of: spirits of the dead, UFOs, mysterious lights, creatures of […]

Staircases to Nowhere [Part 2]
In the last episode, remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts talked about staircases to nowhere that have been spotted in national parks and woods around the world. This time, they bring you the most amazing story they found from a CDC official who tracked one of these staircases. Hear the remote viewing […]

Staircases to Nowhere [Part 1]
In this episode of Metaphysical: Staircases to Nowhere, the hosts delve into the spooky phenomena of staircases appearing in the middle of forests and national parks worldwide. And most importantly, where do these staircases actually lead? With remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts, they aim to uncover the truth behind these strange […]

The Story Behind 1899: What Really Happened to Cursed Ship Mary Celeste?
Do ghost ships exist? And if so, what causes them? Netflix’s series called 1899 explores some of these mysteries, but what actually happened to the Mary Celeste ship—and more importantly, what was left out of today’s accounts? From mysterious, ship-following fog to dead sea captains, from disappearing crews to conspiracies and insurance fraud, this shipwreck […]

Vlad the Impaler & The Order of the Dragon [Part 2]
What if tales of vampires didn’t begin with Dracula? What if their origins go much, much deeper… to a Secret Order? How has the Order of the Dragon lurked in the shadows? Did they fly away into the night? Or perhaps, they’ve been hiding in plain sight… for millennia.

David Paulides Reveals All About Missing 411: The Hunted [Part 1]
We have a very special guest joining us today, David Paulides, himself! Please welcome this extraordinary former policeman and now author/investigator who wrote the famous MISSING 411 books and videos. David gives us an inside scoop into his work and investigations first hand so it’s definitely a must watch if you’re a fan of his […]

Werewolf Occult Origins From Dark Historic Reports & Stories
Are werewolves bred as Global Elite assassins? You for sure have never heard of these accounts, which would make even Van Helsing shake in his boots. In our last episode, we covered real people who have admitted to being part of the Vampire Satanic Society. In this one, you will find out how the werewolf […]