The Roots of Evil [Part 4] The Modern Food Industry
Part 4, and our modern food industry. What is really in our food? Could there be possible remnants of HUMAN meat?? Did you know there is a supposed Cannibal Club? What about the mystery surrounding certain individuals and celebrities? Could they be somehow ‘normalizing’ mainstream cannibalism?

The Roots of Evil [Part 3] Bloody History of Cannibalism
Part 3, The Canaanites history and how they are related to the Phoenicians. Also Alexander the Great and Black Nobility are brought up! How did all this relate to Cannibalism today?

The Roots of Evil [Part 2] -The Curse
Part 2, The Curse that lead to Cannibalism – weaving in famous figures such as Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah, Nimrod & the ancient civilization of Babylon… Today we talk about history after the Great flood and what happened to civilizations at that time relating to Noah’s descendants, the culture and city of Babylon, its rulers […]

The Roots of Evil [Part 1] Vampires, Succubi, Order of the Watchers, and Lilith
Could there be something even more evil than a group of global elites set on destroying humanity? What was the foundation of their unspeakable crimes? We dive into history to uncover the evil creatures only found in myths and legends…but are these creatures the source of all the evil acts? Do you know the true […]