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Black Mirror “Hang the DJ” Episode Review & A.I. Relationship Planning


Have you ever felt like you can’t find love? Like you just want to be able to cuddle up next to a cold hunk of metal at night instead of lying awake alone? Well, what would you say if HypXR told you that you can now be matched up with a bot who will help you find a date? Just tell the latest dating app all your personal preferences, give it your voice and thoughts, and you’re on your way!

If this sounds like a nightmare or an episode of Black Mirror, we’re not all the way there yet. Between AI algorithms steering relationships and a fundamental change in how compatibility is perceived, technology now has an enormous role in people’s love lives. How deep does data analysis really go? How can it be helpful as a tool, given all the successful relationships that HAVE happened using technology? And how can we keep our humanity in our interactions when we’re often talking through a screen? Join Nick Janicki and Rob Counts for the HypXR podcast that’ll help you navigate the multiverse.


Black Mirror “Hang the DJ” Episode Review & A.I. Relationship Planning

Have you ever felt like you can’t find love? Like you just want to be able to cuddle up next to a cold hunk of metal at night instead of lying awake alone? Well, what would you say if HypXR told you that you can now be matched up with a bot who will help you find a date? Just tell the latest dating app all your personal preferences, give it your voice and thoughts, and you’re on your way!

If this sounds like a nightmare or an episode of Black Mirror, we’re not all the way there yet. Between AI algorithms steering relationships and a fundamental change in how compatibility is perceived, technology now has an enormous role in people’s love lives. How deep does data analysis really go? How can it be helpful as a tool, given all the successful relationships that HAVE happened using technology? And how can we keep our humanity in our interactions when we’re often talking through a screen? Join Nick Janicki and Rob Counts for the HypXR podcast that’ll help you navigate the multiverse.


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