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Season 2

The Giants of Old


Not long after America began to be settled by white explorers, mounds were found where giant bones were excavated. Some say this was covered up by the Smithsonian, and they have a right to believe that, given the statements that the Director of Ethnology made back then. The Bible even speaks of giants, and there is evidence across this Earth that beings much larger than humans used to live here; Native Peoples across America and the world have stories of these giants as well. Through a couple different stories, With remote viewing, John takes us on a journey to try and uncover the truth and reality of the legends of giants across this globe.

Season 2

The Giants of Old

Not long after America began to be settled by white explorers, mounds were found where giant bones were excavated. Some say this was covered up by the Smithsonian, and they have a right to believe that, given the statements that the Director of Ethnology made back then. The Bible even speaks of giants, and there is evidence across this Earth that beings much larger than humans used to live here; Native Peoples across America and the world have stories of these giants as well. Through a couple different stories, With remote viewing, John takes us on a journey to try and uncover the truth and reality of the legends of giants across this globe.


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