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Season 3

The Mahabharata and the End of the World


What does the Indian epic poem of the Mahabharata have to do with the end of the world? How does the concept of great cyclical ages of time, from the Indians, the Greeks, and many others play into this – but the biggest question of all, is when does this age we are living in, end? There are many historical documents the mainstream ignores, documents that describe events in a past surrounding ancient civilizations, pre-cataclysm, 12,000 years ago. Civilizations that had weapons of mass destruction and actually used them. Join John on this remote viewing journey where he untangles some deep history with remote viewing data.

Season 3

The Mahabharata and the End of the World

What does the Indian epic poem of the Mahabharata have to do with the end of the world? How does the concept of great cyclical ages of time, from the Indians, the Greeks, and many others play into this – but the biggest question of all, is when does this age we are living in, end? There are many historical documents the mainstream ignores, documents that describe events in a past surrounding ancient civilizations, pre-cataclysm, 12,000 years ago. Civilizations that had weapons of mass destruction and actually used them. Join John on this remote viewing journey where he untangles some deep history with remote viewing data.


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