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Metaphysical Phenomena

Remote Viewing & Superpowers [Part 1]


Ever wondered if remote viewing is real? Join our hosts, John Vivanco and Rob Counts, as they delve into the depths of metaphysical phenomena. With John’s firsthand experience as a former government “psychic spy”, this episode will unravel the mysteries of remote viewing and other supernatural abilities.

Do you ever wonder if superpowers are just a fun idea for us to watch in movies? Are they cleverly crafted illusions meant to manipulate our beliefs? We’ll expose what’s truly possible in the realm of human potential.

As they discuss a plethora of supernatural abilities, from clairvoyance to telekinesis, the conversation takes unexpected turns. Ever heard of bilocation? John shares a jaw-dropping story of remote viewing gone awry, leaving him physically marked by an experience that transcended space and time.

But it’s not all sci-fi and fantasy. The hosts dissect the psychology behind marketing tactics, revealing how propaganda techniques shape our perceptions and beliefs. Could our minds be the ultimate superpower, capable of unlocking extraordinary abilities through meditation and focus?

John delves into the historical background of supernormal abilities, shedding light on their origins and applications throughout history. Drawing from his extensive experience and research, he reveals fascinating insights into the development of psychic phenomena and its connections to human potential.

They also discuss the multifaceted nature of psychic abilities, highlighting the intersection between genetics, personal development, and environmental influences. Anecdotes from his collaboration with renowned institutions like the Institute of Noetic Sciences give us a perspective on the genetic underpinnings of psychic functioning.

Exploring the concept of genetic predisposition versus learned behavior, there is a complex interplay between nature and nurture in shaping psychic abilities. John’s own experiences training thousands of individuals emphasize the universal potential for psychic development and the role of practice in honing these skills.

Touching on the intersection of remote viewing with other esoteric disciplines, such as astrology, John offers thought-provoking perspectives on the evolution of psychic research and its implications for our understanding of consciousness and reality.

So, are you ready to explore the extraordinary? Tune in to Metaphysical and prepare to question everything you thought you knew about the nature of reality.

Metaphysical Phenomena

Remote Viewing & Superpowers [Part 1]

Ever wondered if remote viewing is real? Join our hosts, John Vivanco and Rob Counts, as they delve into the depths of metaphysical phenomena. With John’s firsthand experience as a former government “psychic spy”, this episode will unravel the mysteries of remote viewing and other supernatural abilities.

Do you ever wonder if superpowers are just a fun idea for us to watch in movies? Are they cleverly crafted illusions meant to manipulate our beliefs? We’ll expose what’s truly possible in the realm of human potential.

As they discuss a plethora of supernatural abilities, from clairvoyance to telekinesis, the conversation takes unexpected turns. Ever heard of bilocation? John shares a jaw-dropping story of remote viewing gone awry, leaving him physically marked by an experience that transcended space and time.

But it’s not all sci-fi and fantasy. The hosts dissect the psychology behind marketing tactics, revealing how propaganda techniques shape our perceptions and beliefs. Could our minds be the ultimate superpower, capable of unlocking extraordinary abilities through meditation and focus?

John delves into the historical background of supernormal abilities, shedding light on their origins and applications throughout history. Drawing from his extensive experience and research, he reveals fascinating insights into the development of psychic phenomena and its connections to human potential.

They also discuss the multifaceted nature of psychic abilities, highlighting the intersection between genetics, personal development, and environmental influences. Anecdotes from his collaboration with renowned institutions like the Institute of Noetic Sciences give us a perspective on the genetic underpinnings of psychic functioning.

Exploring the concept of genetic predisposition versus learned behavior, there is a complex interplay between nature and nurture in shaping psychic abilities. John’s own experiences training thousands of individuals emphasize the universal potential for psychic development and the role of practice in honing these skills.

Touching on the intersection of remote viewing with other esoteric disciplines, such as astrology, John offers thought-provoking perspectives on the evolution of psychic research and its implications for our understanding of consciousness and reality.

So, are you ready to explore the extraordinary? Tune in to Metaphysical and prepare to question everything you thought you knew about the nature of reality.

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