Lemuria’s Occult Lore Was Left Behind in Literature & History: Ancient Rome, JP Morgan, Etc. [Part 8]
Part 8: In our last episode in this series on the mysteries of Mt. Shasta and Lemuria, we talked about the eminent professor Edgar Larkin, who used a telescope to see Lemuria with his own eyes. Between the 1932 LA Times article we found reporting on Lemurians meeting with townspeople, Larkin’s findings, and what John […]

Hollywood & Deals with the Devil [Part 2]
Is there any truth to the stories of people making deals with the devil to cheat fate? From occult deals in history to modern day performers and possession, this discussion is going to get really deep. Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a show that’s out of this world.

Switzerland: Occult Symbolism, CERN, Weird Rituals or Modern Art? [Part 2]
Ever thought about the occult things happening in Switzerland, home to the World Economic Forum and CERN? In Part 2 of the Metaphysical deep dive into Switzerland, remote viewer John Vivanco shares the data he learned about the ritual that supposedly happened in front of CERN’s Shiva statue. Plus hear about CERN’s experiments, the financial […]

Vlad the Impaler & Dracula [Part 1]
Vampires are just in the movies. They’re not based on a real life monster… right? What truths are lurking in our legends? Vlad the Impaler was not just known for his war tactics. Some say that he was also the world’s first vampire—Dracula. But is it all just a “batty” tale? Or are the movies […]

The Roots of Evil [Part 4] The Modern Food Industry
Part 4, and our modern food industry. What is really in our food? Could there be possible remnants of HUMAN meat?? Did you know there is a supposed Cannibal Club? What about the mystery surrounding certain individuals and celebrities? Could they be somehow ‘normalizing’ mainstream cannibalism?

The Roots of Evil [Part 3] Bloody History of Cannibalism
Part 3, The Canaanites history and how they are related to the Phoenicians. Also Alexander the Great and Black Nobility are brought up! How did all this relate to Cannibalism today?

The Roots of Evil [Part 2] -The Curse
Part 2, The Curse that lead to Cannibalism – weaving in famous figures such as Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah, Nimrod & the ancient civilization of Babylon… Today we talk about history after the Great flood and what happened to civilizations at that time relating to Noah’s descendants, the culture and city of Babylon, its rulers […]

The Roots of Evil [Part 1] Vampires, Succubi, Order of the Watchers, and Lilith
Could there be something even more evil than a group of global elites set on destroying humanity? What was the foundation of their unspeakable crimes? We dive into history to uncover the evil creatures only found in myths and legends…but are these creatures the source of all the evil acts? Do you know the true […]

Halloween’s Dark, Occult History No One Will Tell You About: Who’s Really Being Tricked?
On Halloween, children will dress up as superheroes, monsters, princesses, pirates, and more, and visit neighbors to beg for candy. But what really are the true occult origins of modern Halloween and how far does this go back into history? We will take you to Lilith from 4,000 years ago, to the Celtics, to the […]

5 Real Stories of Witches: Salem Witch Trials [Part 2]
In our last episode we showed that there was more evidence of the Salem Witch Trials being connected to a global elite operation and having more truth than any of us previously realized. This halloween not only did we discover connections to the occult, but it seems the mass hysteria triggered by these events was […]

Deep State’s Salem Witch Trials: Occult Magic Horror Story No One Is Telling [Part 1]
Witches and magic have fascinated people for years, but is it really possible for people to take advantage of these unknown arts and create tangible enchantments on unsuspecting people? Why are people so fascinated by the Salem Witch Trials? Does it connect to anything deeper? Is there any truth to what took place in Salem […]