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Relics of Power

Relics of Power [Ep. 2 ] Legend of the Spear


“The legend grew around it, gaining strength with the passing of the centuries, that whoever possessed it and understood the powers it served, held the destiny of the world in his hands for good or evil.”—Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny

Does the Spear of Destiny possess supernatural powers? Are we dealing with superstitions, the paranormal, or just plain magic? Find out in Episode 2 as we continue the journey for the Relics of Power.

Relics of Power

Relics of Power [Ep. 2 ] Legend of the Spear

“The legend grew around it, gaining strength with the passing of the centuries, that whoever possessed it and understood the powers it served, held the destiny of the world in his hands for good or evil.”—Trevor Ravenscroft, The Spear of Destiny

Does the Spear of Destiny possess supernatural powers? Are we dealing with superstitions, the paranormal, or just plain magic? Find out in Episode 2 as we continue the journey for the Relics of Power.


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