The Curse of the Hypogeum, Mysterious Tunnels & Missing Children in Malta
[Part 6] Have you ever heard of the curse of the hypogeum? Malta’s mysterious tunnels hide ancient history, but also extensive sightings of strange beings throughout the ages. Why did National Geographic report in 1940 about the tragedy of the missing school children if it were all a hoax? What did C. Lois Jessop really […]

Cover-Ups, Lies & Corruption, Elongated Skulls & Giants: What Happened in the Hypogeum?
[Part 5] Cover-ups. Lies and corruption. Elongated skulls and giants. What really happened in Malta’s Hal Saflieni Hypogeum during ages long past? The head of the Prehistoric Society of Malta, Anton Mifsud, wrote a dossier in 2016 debunking naysayers and exposing lies he implied were deliberately inserted into mainstream archaeology. Hear Rob Counts’ investigative research […]

Why Did Father Magri Disappear After Excavating Malta’s Acoustic Oracle Room & Hypogeum’s Bones?
[Part 4] Why did folklorist and archaeologist Father Magri disappear after excavating Malta’s Hal Saflieni Hypogeum? What did he really find in the tunnels’ acoustic “oracle room”? Why is it that over time, the number of bones that were once reported to have been found there suddenly decreased by tens of thousands in number? In […]

Malta’s Underground Tunnels Hide Ancient Secrets: Hypogeum, Medieval Star Forts & Megalithic Temples
[Part 3] What ancient secrets are hidden in Malta’s underground tunnels? Why did artifacts and statues in Malta’s infamous Hal Saflieni Hypogeum depict such large people? From temples and megaliths to star forts and tunnels that connect right to people’s homes, there are a lot of stories to uncover. Hear John Vivanco’s remote viewing data […]

Why Was Malta Once the Most-Bombed Place in the World? Ancient Stones & International Mysteries
[Part 2] Why was Malta once the most-bombed place in the world? Ancient stones and international mysteries reveal that Malta is a lot more interesting than much of the world gives it credit for. Why have so many governmental peacekeeping meetings happened on the tiny island? Why were the Malta Conference and Malta Summit so […]

Control Malta, Control the World? Why Did Hitler & Conquerors Desperately Want the Tiny Island? [Part 1]
[Part 1] Control Malta, control the world? Why did Hitler and conquerors in history desperately want the tiny island? Ancestral history from the time of Odysseus may go back even farther. Hear John Vivanco’s remote viewing data on the massive civilization of Atlantis. Learn Rob Counts’ investigative research on the Ottoman Empire’s history, the tradition […]