David Paulides Reveals All About Missing 411: The Hunted [Part 2]
David Paulides is extraordinary former policeman and now author/investigator who wrote the famous Missing 411 books and videos. David gives Edge of Wonder an inside scoop into his work and investigations first hand. “It started with 5 missing children in 2016. Now, 3 years later, we follow the trails of missing hunters. This Halloween, we […]

David Paulides Reveals All About Missing 411: The Hunted [Part 1]
We have a very special guest joining us today, David Paulides, himself! Please welcome this extraordinary former policeman and now author/investigator who wrote the famous MISSING 411 books and videos. David gives us an inside scoop into his work and investigations first hand so it’s definitely a must watch if you’re a fan of his […]

432 Hz vs. 440 Hz: The Truth Behind Why It Hertz So Good!
What’s the frequency Kenneth? Is 432 hz music better than or 440hz? Is it really called Healing Music? In this episode of Edge of Wonder we will find out all about this controversy and see if there is really anything to it, since as we all know Everybody Hertz…sometimes. So, join Ben & Rob as […]

Incredible UFO Contact & Extra-dimensional Footage Revealed by James Gilliland
In this episode of Edge of Wonder you’re going to see why ECETI stands for enlightened contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Ben & Rob sat down with owner of ECETI Ranch, James Gilliland and discuss the wide range of documented paranormal evidence taken at the ranch and beyond. You’ll see everything from UFO’s to Extra Dimensional […]

Extra-Dimensional Beings | Presentation at the Cosmic Waves Conference in Hawaii
Everyone has heard of extraterrestrials, but what about extra-dimensional beings? With the universe being so vast, could there be other beings watching us aside from aliens? In this episode, we’d like to take you on a journey of expanding consciousness, drawing on historical evidence across different cultures and personal encounters of how these beings exist. […]

Werewolf Occult Origins From Dark Historic Reports & Stories
Are werewolves bred as Global Elite assassins? You for sure have never heard of these accounts, which would make even Van Helsing shake in his boots. In our last episode, we covered real people who have admitted to being part of the Vampire Satanic Society. In this one, you will find out how the werewolf […]

Real Vampire Reveals How it All Works
We all know Dracula and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but there are real people who have admitted to being part of the Vampire Satanic Society. Hold on to your fangs and bring holy water, real Vampires are right around the corner! In this 3rd Episode of Maps and Myths we take you to the Edge […]

Bizarre Truth of WHY People DISAPPEAR in National Parks, Missing 411 [Part 2/2]
Did you know there is a strange phenomena of missing people? Why are they disappearing without a trace in our NationalParks? Some are showing up days later alive but with no memory of what happen, others have simply vanished leaving no trail behind, and other times bodies are showing up in places where people have […]

People who DISAPPEARED in National Parks Bizarre TRUE stories, Missing 411 [Part 1/2]
Did you know there is a strange phenomena where people are disappearing without a trace in our National Parks? Some are showing up days later alive but with no memory of what happen, others have simply vanished leaving no trail behind, and other times bodies are showing up in places where people have previously searched […]

Miracles from Heaven, 5 Stories of Guardian Angels
Have you ever experienced a moment where you truly felt the presence of a guardian angel watching over you? Perhaps you found yourself in a frightening situation or on the brink of a serious accident, only to be miraculously saved just in the nick of time. Many of us have encountered these inexplicable moments, but […]

THIRD EYE Visions that Changed History: Washington, Nostradamus, Patton and More!
The Celestial Eye in Ancient Egypt, just hiding in plain sight?! People and historical figures seeing with their third eye to avoid catastrophes?! Examples of Psychic abilities through your Celestial Eye?! Why is no one talking about the Celestial Eye anymore?! This is a detailed history of the celestial eye from different cultures you just […]

THIRD EYE: How To AWAKEN Your Supernormal Ability!
Do we really have a third eye inside our brain that can see beyond our physical world? Or is it just mythical stories and legends passed on over the years? Did ancient cultures use it as the way to describe scenes in other dimensions? If so how do we access it and what can it […]

D-Wave Quantum Computers EXPOSED 2018: A.I. Demon Apocalypse & Mandela Effect
Have humans created the scenario for a real-life Terminator? Or can D-Wave quantum computers reach beyond our world into other dimensions? Is this the real source of the Mandela Effect? That’s exactly what the scientists who created quantum computing are talking about——directly interacting with parallel universes. And they’re saying it right out in the open, […]

Missing Airplane MH370 FOUND, shot down by ALIENS?
There may be a lead on finding Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 through a very mysterious message that was received recently. Is it another clickbait story or did they really find something this time? Reportedly a cellphone of a twitter user named Ty received the message on March 13th. At first this was blown off, and […]

[Top 5] Gnomes and Goblins Caught On Camera! In real life
Do you believe in Gnomes, elves or even leprechauns? Well, how about goblins or trolls or dwarves? In this video, we’re going to get to the bottom of whether these little people actually exist. So sit back, grab some lucky charms and get ready for the Top 5 scary gnome sightings!

HE VANISHED! Real Teleportation & Unexplained Time Slips Stories
Constantinos “Danny” Filippidis, a 49-year old firefighter in Canada, completely disappeared while he was with friends on a ski trip in the Whiteface Mountains in New York. He was found less than a week later … but 2,900 miles away in Sacramento. When he was found, Danny was disoriented and confused, unable to provide any […]

PROOF HELL is Real!!! [Top 5] Mysterious Portals to the Underworld 2018
We are all fascinated by myths and legends of these ‘gates’ or ‘portals’ found on our world to the pits of hell. So let’s dive down and explore these mysterious locations to the underworlds.

Undeniable proof HE TIME TRAVELED. Who? It’s REAL!
Have you ever wished you could travel back in time and change something about your past? Maybe wished you would have married your first love, or maybe you wished you didn’t… What if you could go back in time and relive a special moment or see who really built the pyramids? On this episode, Ben […]

Mothman Sightings in Chicago 55 times in 2017! Real or Fake?
Did you know the Mothman was seen in Chicago 55 times in 2017? And those are just the reported sightings … The first sightings of the famed Mothman were in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where it was somehow tied to a tragic bridge collapse. If true, the Mothman has been busy traveling. He or his […]

Exposed! Mermaids: Real & Hoaxes? 2018
Nearly every culture on the planet has its own belief in mermaids. Recently, many photos and videos have been circulating about supposed “real sightings.” But ARE these sightings real? Find out today as Ben and Rob debunk the latest mermaid sightings and tell us real stories from around the world!

[Top 5] Unexplained Phenomena – Alien? UFO? Floating city? Supernatural object?
Our world is full of unexplained phenomena that make us ponder: Are we really alone in the universe? Join host Ben Chasteen, as he takes us to a world where supernatural phenomena and unexplained mysteries are at the forefront.