Aliens, Good, and Evil: Interview with Mike Bara
Ben Solo sits down with best-selling New York Times author and UFO researcher, Mike Bara. Are aliens here? If so, does that mean the mysterious ships in our sky are definitely theirs? Or is there more being covered up that isn’t discussed?

‘50s, Wartime, & Today: Interview with Papa Chasteen [Part 2]
Visited by an angel. Faith, hope, and family in dark times. Papa Chasteen has seen presidents come and gone, changes in culture, and battles of communism against freedom. What gave him hope through it all?

‘50s, Wartime, & Today: Interview with Papa Chasteen [Part 1]
From ‘50s rural life to an America at war, Papa Chasteen lived through some major cultural shifts. In this exclusive interview, he walks us through changes in music, ‘60s and ‘70s movements, rebellions, and his own personal spiritual experiences. How did it all lead him from life as a minister to one where he questioned […]

Keeper of the Crystal Skull: Interview with Bill Homann [Part 2]
Is the legendary crystal skull actually an interdimensional being? Ben Chasteen and Bill Homann share their theories, strange experiences, psychic connections, and the secret history of the skull.

Keeper of the Crystal Skull: Interview with Bill Homann [Part 1]
The crystal skull is more than legend. With no evidence of tool marks and native stories claiming it came from “sky people,” what does the skull’s caretaker think is the truth? Bill Homann uncovers the crystal skull’s fascinating story.

Forced to Sell Your Soul for Music? Rachel Farris’ Experience [Part 1]
Is there a secret world to the music industry? What do you really have to do to make it big? In this exclusive interview, Rachel Farris shared her personal encounters working towards success … and why she almost had to walk away forever.

Forced to Sell Your Soul for Music? Rachel Farris’ Experience [Part 2]
A spiritual journey. A UFO experience. Hope for the future of humanity. In Part 2 of Rachel Farris’ story, she shares her personal awakening process and sings her classic songs.

Ben Solo: Mandela Effect Explained
Think you remember something one way, but now it’s not that way at all? Perhaps you’ve seen a movie or a logo, and now that movie just doesn’t exist anymore or the logo has been changed. Welcome to the Mandela Effect! The American flag. The Bible. The Ford logo. Shrek’s soundtrack. What has changed from […]